Focus on Men’s Health: Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy

3 June 2024

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Our Real World HR podcast is on a mission to trailblaze the HR arena with thought-provoking topics which shine the spotlight on key talking points and trends which impact businesses and their employees.

Hosted by our founder and MD, Louise Kennedy, Dr. Max Draper joined our most recent podcast episode with a focus on men’s health, in particular Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Dr. Max is the lead clinician at Alphagenix. Alphagenix are passionate about improving the quality of life for men nationwide through education, investigation, diagnosis and the treatment of low testosterone levels.

The medical term for testosterone deficiency is Hypogonadism and simply means having a low testosterone level. It happens when the testes do not function normally, and this can be due to a problem in the testes, where testosterone is made, or a problem in the pituitary gland underneath the brain, which controls the function of the testes.

Low testosterone can happen in men of any age, however, there is a progressive decline in testosterone levels as men get older.

It has been noted that testosterone replacement therapy has been used to fight off some of the symptoms of low testosterone which can include exhaustion, weight gain, anxiety, low libido, poor concentration and depression in men.

On the podcast Dr. Max, a qualified doctor who is passionate about Men’s Health, explained how he discovered he had low levels of testosterone and points out the symptoms to look out for. He discusses the difficulties in being diagnosed and why we need to raise awareness on the topic. Louise and Dr. Max also covered what to do if you think you have low testosterone, as well as what you need to be aware of when going ahead with testosterone replacement therapy.

Prior to joining Alphagenix, Dr. Max worked as a GP in the NHS for 8 years. Following his own struggles with Low Testosterone, he went on a mission to educate himself on testosterone deficiency, helping other males like himself get diagnosis, education and treatment.

Louise Kennedy commented:

“I was delighted to be joined in the studio by Dr. Max to take a deep dive into men’s health, in particular the impact that testosterone deficiency has on male employees. Anxiety and poor concentration are noted as symptoms and these are key areas which impact productivity in the workplace, and employer awareness is vital.

It was a really insightful discussion, and the core ethos of the podcast series is to shine the spotlight on key themes and to raise awareness with employers of the impact these can have in the workplace if the systems and support mechanisms aren’t in place for employees.”

Men’s health and the discussion around it can remain a taboo, however, the statistics around men’s health make uncomfortable reading. According to estimates, half of all premature male deaths are preventable, with suicide still the leading cause of death in men under 35.

Communication is key when it comes to men’s health, ‘talking’ needs to be encouraged and not just about the issues, the stigma around discussing men’s health issues needs to be removed. Many companies already offer a range of healthcare support benefits which men and women can access, however the communication and access to these needs to be clear, i.e. Are men aware of how to take the first steps towards discovering just how to access these support services such as health screening, and is there the option to make personalised men’s health and wellbeing support part of your employee benefits package?

The statistics on men’s health can’t be denied, but as an employer, steps can be taken to approach the health and wellbeing journey, both in terms of the mental and physical impact for men in the workplace. Taking this proactive approach can potentially help to improve, performance, retention and talent acquisition.

Based in Sunderland Oculus HR are a team of specialists and operations support, providing innovative and flexible HR solutions to SMEs regionally and nationally through their dedicated and holistic approach. Covering all aspects of employment, including employment contracts, policies and procedures, performance reviews, disciplinary and grievance meetings, and building an extensive client list along the way which includes the Foundation of Light, Queensway Orthodontics, Tyne Coast College, Midas Cladding and Glendale Transport.

To find out more about the support packages available for businesses contact the team at Oculus HR: [email protected]


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