Could Your Business Make Better Use Of Freelancers?

22 June 2017

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Thursday 8th June marked National Freelancers Day, and independent professionals up and down the country celebrated the fact that they boldly work for themselves. It’s estimated that there are around 2 million freelancers operating in the UK, and they’ve had their fair share of press recently.

With the gig economy being a key topic of conversation, and firms like Uber and Deliveroo coming under scrutiny for how they treat the people working for them, it’s clear that the world of work is changing fast, and the face of employment is looking very different to what it did just a couple of years ago.

But what does this mean for your business?

Is it possible to harness talent on a more flexible basis and keep your reputation as a fair and just employer?

And could you be missing out on some attractive business benefits if you’re sticking with what’s becoming a fairly outdated approach to talent, employment, and getting a good job done?

Let’s consider a few things that you should be aware of…

It goes without saying, we’re sure, but your relationship with freelancers should be very carefully managed. You might have fewer obligations from a legal perspective, but the reputation of your business could be on the line if you don’t get this right. There are unscrupulous business owners out there who have ruthlessly used the gig economy to drive forward questionable agendas, and it’s vital that you take steps to manage your employer brand and ensure that you’re considered to be amongst the cream of the crop when it comes to really getting this right.

You should also think about the potential pitfalls. The benefits can be fairly obvious, but the downsides also need to be considered. Have you thought about how you’ll find the people who you really need? Can you be certain that they’d be as committed to the cause as permanent employees would be? And how are your staff likely to deal with the transition towards working as part of a different kind of team? They’ll have their fears and concerns, and this needs to be managed.

Finally, it’s important to recognise that there’s a wealth of talent available quite literally at your fingertips. Need a new website and some regular maintenance carried out, but don’t have the resources to hire a permanent developer? A freelancer could help. Looking for an extra pair of hands on deck during a busier period? Maybe a freelancer could fit the bill. Or struggling to find the skills you need in your local workforce? Yep, it’s very possible that a freelancer on the other side of the world could step in and deliver what you’re looking for.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of creating a more flexible and agile workforce, then let’s talk. We can help you to create your plan of action, and put it into practice in the right way. Get in touch today on 0191 3055188 to arrange an initial free consultation. 


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