Coronavirus (Covid 19) Contact Tracing and Isolation Advice

16 September 2020

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As the number of cases of people infected with coronavirus (Covid-19) is unfortunately continuing to rise in our area, please be aware of the following arrangements in relation to requirements for contact tracing isolation advice.

Contact and Contact Tracing

If you have been in contact with someone who is showing symptoms of Covid-19 or has tested positive for Covid-19 and are being tested, you should self-isolate whilst you wait for the results. You must not return to work until you receive a negative result or until the required self-isolation time has expired.

Self-Isolation in the Household

If someone who lives in your household needs to self-isolate but does not have symptoms of the virus, the others in the household do not need to self-isolate. If the person who is self-isolating is showing symptoms of the virus then others living in the same household must self-isolate.

Please note that the self-isolation guidance applies to children who have been sent home from school or nursery as a result of a child testing positive within their ‘bubble’. If the child does not show symptoms and you would like to request time off to care for them, you should do so using the Time off for Dependents Policy or by requesting to use holidays.

Employees who are required to self-isolate may be paid Statutory Sick Pay from the first day of isolation. This will be dependant on the terms of your contract and company policies. Your Contract of Employment should detail your company policy on Statutory Sick Pay and your eligibility.

Please be aware that the company expects that you will follow social distancing guidelines issued by the government whilst you are at work and in your own time, in order to protect yourself, your family and your colleagues. Please note that if you breach social distancing guidelines you may be required to take a period of unpaid leave whilst you self-isolate even if you do not have Covid-19 symptoms.

If you need any advice on self isolation or sick pay or any other related issues, please contact us today.



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