There’s lots of ways an HR consultancy can support and benefit your business, regardless of its size. Armed with high levels of knowledge, expertise and advice, recruiting the services of an HR consultancy to help handle areas of your business that require expert support including disciplinary …
Employment Law
Employment Law Changes – What You Need To Know
As a business owner, from 1st April 2019 there will be Employment Law Changes you need to know about and get your business ready in time. We recently highlighted the changes to National Minimum Wage which take effect from 1st April 2019 but what about other legal changes? Gender Pay …
Changes To The National Minimum Wage
The National Minimum Wage is set to change in April 2019. Do you know enough about the National Minimum Wage and when to implement the changes? As an employer do you know the rules regarding minimum age? What age do you pay it at and what about apprenticeships? What is the National Minimum …