As many businesses start to return to work following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, it is inevitable that many new workplace practices will be implemented in a bid to keep the workforce safe.
According to, you should implement the following workplace practices to protect your employees and prevent Covid-19 spreading in the workplace.
Risk assessments
It is law that all businesses carry out thorough risk assessments as part of their stringent health and safety guidelines.
With this mind, you’ll need to carry out an updated risk assessment, assessing the risks that Covid-19 poses in your daily business operations. This will help you to understand the support and processes you will need to introduce into your workplace to protect your staff, allowing them to work safely.
Cleaning, hygiene and handwashing should be the norm
Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere fast. With this in mind, as we all begin to return to the workplace, it’s important that good hygiene is a top priority. And this means following Government advice surrounding the importance of cleaning and handwashing in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
This should be drummed into your staff so frequent cleaning and hand washing should become part and parcel of their daily routine. Make sure you have dedicated washing facilities, anti-bacterial hand gel, and cleaning products available.
Good ventilation and air conditioning
This summer, temperatures have soared and many of us have struggled to work (and sleep!) in the stifling heat. Good ventilation and air conditioning will not only help to keep your staff cool and comfortable at work, but they can also help to reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading in the office.
Communicate with your staff
It’s fair to say that we have all been through an awful lot this year and your staff will be feeling the impact of these changes just as much as you are. Never in our lifetime have we had to face so much change and uncertainty in all areas of our lives.
With this in mind, make sure you communicate any changes effectively with your workforce, addressing their concerns straight away. Explaining the changes that you are making will help to reassure them that you are doing everything in your power to ensure that your business is able to operate safely.
Protecting vulnerable workers
From investing in PPE and continuing to implement the 2 metre rule through to installing high performance air conditioning and ventilation systems, there’s lots of ways that you can protect vulnerable workers as businesses open up again.
Speak to those workers about the support they need and the new workplace practices you can put in place to protect them. Will work at home or flexible working be an option, for example?
If you need any help planning, implementing, or communicating new workplace practices, please get in touch.